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京都に別荘を持つということ To own a second house in Kyoto

The word "second house" has an image of a big house in summer resorts such as Karuizawa, Nagano Prefecture, but there are many properties in Kyoto that change the preconception of "second house." Why not own a second house in Kyoto for the monthly charge of a parking space in Tokyo? We proudly present the Room Market way of owning a second house in Kyoto.

意外な利用方法とは?Unique ways of using a 'second house

  • Accommodation for a long and fully enjoyable stay during cherry blossoms and fall foliage seasons when hotels are often booked out

  • Library and reading room for books that are piled up on shelves at home

  • Atelier for future artists for working on large flat-surface pieces (Japanese paintings, western paintings)

  • Storage for any goods or seasonal items that cannot be stored at home

  • House for lecturers who teach at universities in Kyoto

  • Study room for those who are studying to pass a certification exam

  • Community space for hobby or group gatherings for ladies

大きく分けて、ルームマーケットは京都での別荘について、3パターンをご提案します。Room Market recommends 3 patterns of second houses in Kyoto.

不動産購入の際のポイント・解説 Key in purchasing a real estate property



I have been asked a question by someone who wants to sell a second house which they bought a few years back. They wanted to add the renovation cost on top of the real estate price, but this, I think, is difficult. Real estate prices are determined at the market rate at that time. Renovation cost should be considered the cost for purely enjoying as a second house.

Here is another example of how to utilize real estate properties.There is a strong demand for rental properties in Kyoto City, and there always is a shortage of rental properties. Hence, it is relatively easy to find tenants. Short-term contracts and annual contracts turn second houses and homes into revenue generating properties. This is the uniqueness of owning a real estate property in Kyoto.

株式会社ルームマーケット 〒606-8336 京都市左京区岡崎北御所町56-4 電話 075-752-0416 FAX 075-752-2262
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宅地建物取引業 京都府知事(3)11495号・二級建築士事務所 京都府知事登録(25B)第02171号・建築業許可 京都府知事許可(般-18)第36810 pagetop
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